The Unusual Beauty Standards of the Society

2 min readMay 18, 2021

“You are not beautiful enough!” or “Try to be more handsome!” Beauty standards are something which might be one of the reasons for self doubt and self hate… But what is the ‘Beauty Standard’?

Beauty Standards are nothing but a form of pressure. A pressure to be accepted by the “SOCIETY”. The youth of this generation is under constant pressure to be better than his/her peers. Better to be in everything. Even the way they look.

The scary thing is, we have started to believe that the normal skin tone of India, that is brown, is a kind of a deal breaker. People pay thousands and thousands for bleaching, whit fishing and what not to get a lighter skin tone which is a must to be accepted in the so called “society”.

Young boys and girls often starve themselves in order to get “slim”, “skinny” and “fit”. But why? Here’s the thing: the beauty standard is a messed up thing. It’s a combination of a skinny and chubby body. The “society” says that if you appear to be white, your waist is tiny as if no organs are present and if your behind is huge and fatty… CONGRATULATIONS YOU’RE PERFECT!

Image Source: Shutterstock

But they’re forgetting that this type of body frame doesn’t exist. It is the magic of photoshop and surgeries, which in my opinion are a waste of both time and money, because you know that this is not how you can be truly happy. Once you get one surgery, you get more and more and if one of them fails, then you’re done. Your natural beauty will be in shreds. Why? Just because of the desire to get accepted by the “society”.

We are told to celebrate the way we are but yet whenever we do something which expresses our true self… We are told to keep quiet and do what is “accepted” by the “society”.

If we want to live in a harmonized, peaceful world, we need to learn to celebrate everyone irrespective of the way they appear to be. Because in cases the “more attractive” according to the society is enormously dangerous and the “less attractive” to the society is the one to be by your side till you break apart.

